0xc0000005 Access Violation error - Explanation & Solutions
Below you will find some specific examples of 0xc0000005 error messages and possible solutions for specific cases. However, if you are not a computer technician we strongly recommend to use specialized software suggested on this page or contact an expert on this issue. The software, information and tips below are suggested by PC experts, the Microsoft Company or the users who successfully resolved 0xc0000005.
0xC0000005 is a common access violation error. Typically, you randomly receive an error message that looks like this:
Explorer.exe access violation **(0xC0000005)** at address 240027
The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000005) Click on OK to terminate application.
0x0000005 error code can also be a part of a blue screen error (a STOP error or BSOD) message that looks like this:
STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005,0x89BBD4A9,0x7A44EC4C,0xBc40)
When it occurs
As a rule, you get the 0xc0000005 error message when you try to start one of your programs in Windows or install software. The program terminates with the 0xc0000005 message and you can't get it work.
The most typical causes for the '0xc0000005: Access Violation' error are: malware (viruses, trojans, spyware and other), system file damage, corrupt registry, faulty RAM, faulty drivers, incorrectly written, installed or updated software and even Windows security features.
Variations of 0xc0000005 Error Messages:
- "An application error has occurred and an application error log is being generated. Exception: access violation (0xC0000005), Address"
- "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005). Click OK to terminate the application".
- The "Stop: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, ...)" combination on the blue screen.
How to fix
case 1: Bad RAM Memory
Quite often this problem results from a faulty RAM memory. This is most likely the reason if you started getting the 0xC0000005 error message after installing a new RAM memory. To check this you can remove the new memory and see if the 0xC0000005 error disappears. If so, get a refund or ask to replace the faulty memory with a good one.
Don't forget to do the following before you start removing the memory:
- Turn off your computer and remove all cables (power, network, etc.)
- Remove the battery (if you have a laptop)
- Ground yourself out before you touch the memory!!(for example, touch metal screw on a lightswitch).
Read more about memory replacement..>>
case 2: Virus or Other Malware
Your computer may be infected with malware. In this case the 0xc0000005 error informs that the system prevented execution of a malicious application. You should scan your system with a reliable antivirus program.
case 3: Printer Drivers
Sometimes 0xc0000005 error occurs when your current printer profile is incompatible with the updated settings of one of the programs you are trying to use. You may reinstall the program, printer drivers or even the entire system over and over again and that won't help. The reason is that every time you will install the same default user profile included in your printer installation package by the manufacturer. The simplest way to fix 0xc0000005 is to create a new, clean user profile for the printer.
case 4: DEP
Quite often the 0xC0000005 error occurs because of Data Execution Prevention (DEP) introduced by Microsoft in Windows SP2 and used in later versions. DEP is a set of security features that prevents code execution from non-executable memory segments. It's a vivid illustration of a typical 0xc0000005 Access Violation error Learn how to fix issues errors caused by DEP..
case 5: Development Issue
If you are a software developer and you keep getting an exception with status code STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005), your program might attempt to violate DEP. You could try the following: If your application is designed to use executable memory, it must have this attribute set on the appropriate memory by specifying
in the memory protection argument of the Virtual memory allocation functions.
If the above solutions don't help run your program in debugger. Maybe you haven't initialized the pointer correctly. When debugger stops on a violation simply check the call stack and open every file until you see what piece of code produced the violation. And don't forget to check for useful tools listed on this site.
case 6: Symantec Antivirus
The 0xC0000005 error may appear if you are using Symantec Antivirus. If the error message mentions SAVRT.SYS file, that must be the case. All you have to do is update Symantec Antivirus to the latest version, that removes the 0xC0000005 error.
case 7: Google Chrome
If you are using Google Chrome you may get the following message: 'The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005). Click on OK to terminate the application.' Learn how to fix the 0xc0000005 error in Google Chrome.
case 8: IE6
The 'Access Violation (0xC0000005 exception)' message may appear in IE6 when a web page or a html document contain a SPAN tag which was not correctly closed. As to solutions, why use IE6 at all? Install a later version or use another browser like Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Google Chrome.
case 9: Windows Service Pack
Install the latest Service Pack for Windows. Sometimes that removes the 0xC0000005 error.
case 10: Driver Errors
Driver problems may cause 0xC0000005, especially faulty 3rd party drivers, incompatible or outdated drivers. Update old drivers, replace 3rd parry drivers with native ones and see if it solves 0xc0000005 error.
case 11: Video Driver Update
Sometimes 0xc0000005 errors occur after video card driver updates. If that is the case rollback to the drivers you've been using before the update. And inform the vendor about the issue.
case 3: STOP c000021a 0xc0000005 combination
This error code combination frequently occurs during logon. As a rule, the error is caused either by a corrupt system file (after applying a service pack) or an existing bug in a system file that makes system crash when a username of specific length is used. Read how to fix this problem on STOP c000021a 0xc0000005 page.
case 13: Repair Your Registry
In certain cases, 0xc0000005 error may be caused by poor maintenance of your computer and corrupt registry entries or invalid references that pile up as you install and delete programs, especially when you install new programs over old ones. Windows registry is considered to be a single point of failure (SPOF) by many experts. This means that the entire system is bound to the registry and if the registry fails, the entire system may be disabled. To get rid of the 0xc0000005 error you can check all the registry entries manually and remove invalid ones. You may also use a registry cleaner tool but do so with caution. There are many free tools of that sort. Make sure the tool comes from a reputable developer and is actually free.
case 14: STOP 0x0000007e 0xc0000005
STOP 0x0000007e 0xc0000005 may be caused by a wide range of issues, from viruses to faulty drivers. More about 0x0000007e 0xc0000005.
0xc0000005 error case 15: 0xc0000005 in Windows 7
0xc0000005 frequently occurs during Windows 7 installation, upgrade or printing in W7. Read more: 0xc0000005 in Windows 7.
We hope the information above helped you resolve the 0xC0000005 error.